Linux for Tinkerers

Shedbuilt is a source-based, self-hosting GNU/Linux distribution for cheap ARMv7/v8 single-board computers.

Read the documentation

Why Shedbuilt?

Shedbuilt takes your ARM Linux tinkering to the next level with a simple, hackable foundation optimized for afforable ARMv7/v8 SBCs.


Board-specific configurations and curated base packages ensure optimized performance.

From the Source

Built purely from mainline source with no binary blobs or proprietary firmware.

Fully Self-Hosting

Build everything from individual packages to bootable system images right from your SBC.

Package Management

Create and share your own software packages and repositories with Shedmake.

Free as in Beer/Freedom

Shedbuilt is provided under the MIT License, so you're free to introspect, modify and remix.

Managed by Git

With Git-based package repositories, deploying updates is as easy as 'git push'.

For Cheap SBCs

Unlocks the potential of cheap SBCs for cost-effective, worry-free tinkering.

An Independent Distro

Not just another Ubuntu/Debian derivative, there's no upstream baggage to get in your way.

Getting Started

With Shedbuilt you can build a standalone retrogaming console, Internet-tied weather station or electronic brain for a lethal, time-travelling robot in a few fun-filled afternoons on a single-board computer that costs less than a well-optioned burrito. Read our documentation to learn how to package and share new software and build bootable system images using our free, MIT Licensed tooling.

Read the Documentation

Shareware Palooza

Our Shareware Palooza build demonstrates how Shedbuilt can serve as the foundation for a standalone product, in this case a DOS retrogaming battlestation. Check out the project and dive into the tooling that made it all possible. And play some Duke Nukem while you're at it - that game's pretty sweet.

See our Shareware Palooza

Download and Install

Base images for Shedbuilt System 2 'Blank' are available for a variety of budget ARMv7/v8 single-board computers from FriendlyElec, Shenzhen Xunlong, and Shenzhen Libre Technology. Please visit our download page to select the image appropriate for your board.

Download Base System Image